An Intension for a coaching session with Felix can be:
- Discover the deeper meaning of your life
- Health counseling
- Transformation coaching
- Relationship counseling
- Crisis intervention
- Self-Realization
- Business coaching
The foundation of every consultation:
Recognize YOURSELF - and become the best version of yourself!
All human problems can be traced back to a lack of information and self-awareness.
I assist you in identifying these missing puzzle pieces precisely and integrating them into your life in a practical manner.
Discover the deeper meaning of your life: Unleash your full potential!
Are you feeling lost and uncertain about the direction to take on your life journey? I am here to assist you on a transformative journey to discover your true purpose in life. Through individual coaching sessions, I will support you in gaining clarity, identifying your hidden talents and true joys, and creating a plan to lead a fulfilled life. Often, just a single hour is enough!
Health Counseling
The focus is on recognizing the emotional and mental causes, as well as the physical triggers of the symptoms. Every illness has its unique message, which I translate into understandable language for you and create a personal transformation protocol. As a naturopath, I had my own natural healing practice in Munich-Obermenzing for many years, offering a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic methods. With over 3000 patients, I gained extensive experience in understanding the underlying connections of various illnesses and developing treatment protocols.
Transformation - Coaching
Expectations placed on individuals have grown significantly in recent years. To meet the demands of the "new world," it is highly beneficial to become aware of your own patterns and blockades. To juggle everything effectively, I help you recognize the thread of your life and understand your Emotional Compass. Your life constantly sends you signals in the form of special events and encounters, emotionally intense thoughts, and conflict situations. I analyze and translate these for you, and together we create an actionable plan to transform even the most challenging situations into positive ones.
Relationship Counseling
Relationships are like the seasoning in the soup of life. They not only bring great joy, provide content and contrast in life, but also offer us the chance to recognize ourselves, reflect, and grow personally. By understanding our relationship patterns, we can discover who we are and the kind of person we want to become. In relationship counseling, I offer you, individually or with your partner, the opportunity to translate relationship patterns into understandable language and with this understanding, either embark on new paths or bring existing relationships to new levels of happiness.
Crisis Intervention
When in a crisis, one's strongest desire is to end that state. This intense urge for liberation simultaneously gives us the opportunity to overcome our fears, explore the causes, and rise from the ashes like a phoenix to a higher level of fundamentally improved life quality. In crisis intervention, I translate the matrix of your crisis for you and show you how to use these patterns to your advantage, opening up new and unforeseen possibilities. Many people, when looking back on a crisis, smile as they realize how valuable the experience was for them, especially when they were able to use the deeper understanding of its causes for positive transformation. So, every crisis is an opportunity for a fundamental improvement of one's own life!
For those who aspire to self-fulfillment and self-awareness without being driven by life, the chances of leading a blessed and happy life increase thousandfold. Cosmic intelligence rewards those who make self-awareness their hobby and purely out of interest, strive to discover the purpose of their life. I meet you in your development right where you are and accompany you on the path of self-fulfillment for as long as you need support. Personally, it brings me true joy to guide people with love and wisdom towards deeper self-awareness and cosmic connectedness.
Business Coaching
If you desire more success in your business but things aren't going as you envision, there are opposing forces within your matrix of beliefs, your professional and personal environment that lead to subtly conflicting intentions and actions. Together, we explore the causes of these blockades and create your personal solution protocol, which will swiftly guide you onto the path of success.
Transformation - Coaching
Expectations placed on individuals have grown significantly in recent years. To meet the demands of the "new world," it is highly beneficial to become aware of your own patterns and blockades. To juggle everything effectively, I help you recognize the thread of your life and understand your Emotional Compass. Your life constantly sends you signals in the form of special events and encounters, emotionally intense thoughts, and conflict situations. I analyze and translate these for you, and together we create an actionable plan to transform even the most challenging situations into positive ones.
30-Day Transformation Boot Camp
I accompany you for 30 days, answering your questions and tailoring a daily program to help you achieve your desired goals. Each day starts with a personalized "Good morning" voice message that guides you through the day with specific tasks and exercises. I support you through all the highs and lows, maintaining active phone or messenger contact to discuss progress or challenges in the transformation process. Book Bootcamp.
Intensive Coaching Days
For individuals who want to allocate ample time for clarifying their current state and developing new perspectives. An intensive coaching day lasts approximately 8 hours and includes activities selected individually according to the client's wishes and transformation goals.
In some situations, it's beneficial or desired not to limit a coaching session to just one or two hours, but to have the time to reflect sustainably and arrive at a solution. Hence, I offer flexible intensive coaching days that can last one, two, or even up to 14 days.
About Felix
My Journey to Becoming a Naturopath and Coach
Born and raised in Munich. Even in early childhood, my family showed me – with a father who is an inventor, a mother who is an American opera singer and musician, and a brother who is an actor – that one can live happily and successfully through an unconventional way of life.
My interest in people has always been a part of me, and I continuously deepened my knowledge about the human psyche. Back then, most of my free time was spent as a group leader in the parish, where I mentored my own group of 11-17-year-olds for seven years.
The desire to work with people professionally became clear to me, and I briefly considered pursuing either a conventional medical or alternative medical career. At the age of 19, during this time, I also began my journey of self-awareness through various seminars and books. This led me to choose the holistic therapeutic approach of a naturopath.
After completing my school education, I performed my civilian service in a senior home (Münchenstift), and right after that, I started my training as a naturopath at the Center for Naturopathy.
Since then, I've encountered loving, wise individuals and teachers who inspire me to work on my consciousness development in various ways and to be of diverse assistance to my patients and clients. To all these individuals, I express my deepest and most heartfelt gratitude for their tremendous support!
Professional Development with over 9000 hours of practical and theoretical training:
Felix Professional Experience
- Full-time training as a naturopath at the Center for Naturopathy (Munich), successfully passing the examination by the Health Department.
- Six-month medical internship at the hospital in Pucallpa, Peru, assisting in surgeries, C-sections, and births.
- Bioresonance therapy and diagnosis with SCIO-QXCI.
- Training as a Success & Burnout Coach at S.C.E.
- Training as a Master Hypnotist at LOGOS A. CENTER.
- Training as a Trauma Therapist at LOGOS A. CENTER.
- Training as a Regression Specialist at LOGOS A. CENTER.
- Atlas Correction using the ADRIO method.
- Craniosacral osteopathic diagnosis and therapy.
- Metabolism optimization therapy.
- Dorn/Preuss therapy.
- Naturopathy and Phytotherapy.
- Detoxification and cleansing techniques.
- Coaching training at the Homo Simplex Academy for Human Understanding.
- Massage & relaxation techniques according to T.H.
- Translation Mind-Body according to T.H.
- Human-Systems according to T.H.
- Coaching & Communication according to T.H.
- Psychosomatics & Body Symbolism according to T.H.
- Body Symbolism, Deep Relaxation & Massage according to T.H.
- Internships at renowned naturopathic practices.